Acupuncture is a traditional medicine that dates back 3-5000 years. Today it is recognized as a powerful tool in modern medicine that stimulates nerve receptors in the skin, muscles and fascia to release endorphins and other beneficial biochemicals that have the ability to alleviate pain and  harmonize the structure and function of the whole body. Through advanced training in orthopedic and sports acupuncture as well as years of experience as an RMT focused on myofascial integration, I utilize clinically relevant, evidence based methods that effectively address the underlying causes of pain and disfunction for results that last.


Based on Dr. Lombardi’s EXSTORE System© and shaped by experience for treatments that work.


We begin by assessing your overall health, posture, strength, and mobility to uncover dysfunctions that may be at the root cause of your pain or problem.


Treatment starts by addressing imbalances found on your initial exam to improve function, reduce pain and support a strong physiological foundation.


We can now effectively release the areas of tension that have built up over time to improve your bodies overall performance in a meaningful way that lasts.

— What To Expect —

  • Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and improves neuromuscular functioning, while myofascial techniques reduce physical restrictions resulting in faster and more effective pain reduction.

  • Acupuncture and myofascial release enhance local blood flow by reducing fascial restrictions, and acupuncture also stimulates overall circulation, tissue repair, and reduces inflammation to accelerate recovery from intense training and injuries.

  • Releasing fascial tension through myofascial release enhances mobility and range of motion. Acupuncture further supports this by reducing inflammation and optimizing muscle function, leading to better performance and flexibility.

  • Regular sessions of myofascial release and acupuncture can help maintain optimal muscle and joint function, reducing the risk of overuse injuries and ensuring that athletes can train and compete at their best.

  • Acupuncture and myofascial techniques can influence the autonomic nervous system, balancing the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) responses. This can reduce chronic stress and its physical manifestations.

  • Acupuncture improves digestive and reproductive health by regulating the nervous system and balancing hormones. Myofascial release complements this by alleviating physical restrictions that may affect these organs. Together, they can improve conditions like IBS, menstrual irregularities, and fertility issues.

Your sessions will always be tailored to your needs and comfort levels and can include a combination of acupuncture, electroacupuncture, motor points, dry needling, cupping, gua sha and myofascial techniques.

  • Activate your bodies self healing mechanisms and regulate the nervous system through specific points that may be far away from your concern.

  • Target specific regions in the muscle tissue that can help restore strength and reduce tension for pain relief and improved mobility.

  • Enhances treatments using therapeutic electric currents, promoting muscle revitalization and natural healing.

  • Involves a gentle but potent focused light that accelerates healing and reduces inflammation.

  • Utilizes suction and scraping techniques to release tension, improve circulation, and alleviate pain.

  • Fascia is connective tissue that makes up and surrounds our muscles, bones, and organs, holding them in place within layers. By stretching or compressing the restricted areas we can reduce adhesions that form over our lifetime to improve mobility and tissue health which affects the whole body.

  • A gentle approach that focuses on the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system that helps to rebalance stuck patterns of disharmony and increase the body’s capacity to heal.

  • Your organs are made of and placed within the same connective tissues that surround and create your muscles, bones, joints, and all the rest of you and treatment of these tissues can have a profound effect on the body’s overall balance and well-being.


Each visit includes a thorough assessment and personalized treatment, that can combine traditional acupuncture, electroacupuncture, motor points, dry needling, cupping, gua sha, myofascial techniques and corrective exercise advice as indicated.

Initial appointments last up to 60 minutes for a detailed assessment, while follow-ups range from 30-40 minutes. Your personalized follow-up plan will be discussed after your initial assessment and adjusted as needed. We expect to see improvements within three visits and a series of treatment (2x/wk for 3 wks) is recommended for best results.

Success starts with a good plan

Phase 1: Your symptoms are reduced for 1-72 hours post-treatment, then gradually return. For acute or severe chronic issues, more frequent treatments (2x/week for 3 weeks) are recommended initially to address the problem proactively.

Phase 2: Your symptoms improve for about a week after each treatment, with gradual return. Consistent treatments during this phase (1x/week for 3-12 weeks) establish a foundation for long-lasting results in resolving health issues.

Phase 3: We shift our focus to prevention, performance enhancement, or managing chronic conditions. Periodic maintenance sessions (1x/month) help sustain corrective changes, prevent recurrence, and support overall health management.




This intensive series is best for new patients looking to kickstart their treatment plan or for those who need a reset to get back on track ASAP. Book 2x/wk for 3 weeks.


Those of you keeping up with your treatment plans and staying tuned up with at least monthly maintenance will automatically qualify for our member rate on follow ups.

Rates valid Sep2024, subject to change. Direct billing available with most providers. *24 hour cancellation policy in place.

Be sure to wear comfortable, movement-friendly clothing to your appointments plus hydrate and eat well for the best experience.

Life is short and you have so much to offer, so let’s not waste any time.

Making your health a priority is the first step and I am here whenever you are ready.