Community Acupuncture

If you have been with me for a while, you will know Acupuncture is a PROCESS. Much like working out or eating well, your treatments have a cumulative effect, with each one building on the last. I often like to treat new conditions 2x/week in the first few weeks to kickstart treatment plans, and sometimes patients find ongoing weekly sessions the key to managing chronic stress or pain. A common barrier I see to receiving treatments this frequent can be the cost of one-on-one care. The solution? Community Acupuncture.

Community acupuncture enables multiple patients to be treated at one time in a group setting.

This model allows a much lower price point for each patient, maximizes appointment availability and it also creates a unique opportunity to experience healing vibes together in a group.

What is Community Acupuncture?

Community acupuncture is a model of acupuncture where multiple patients receive treatments together in a shared space. Unlike traditional one-on-one sessions, this communal setting allows for a reduced cost, making acupuncture accessible to more people.

Benefits of Community Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been praised for its ability to relieve pain, improve sleep, and reduce stress. Beyond physical benefits, it also supports mental well-being by alleviating anxiety and depression. Additionally, receiving treatment in a group setting fosters a sense of community and shared healing.

How It Works

During a community session, you will join other patients in a comfortable, relaxed environment. You will indicate your primary concern on your pre-treatment consent form and we will conduct an individualized assessment before your treatment begins. These sessions will primarily use points in the hands, feet and head to treat problems anywhere in the body. Once your points are in place you can expect to sit or lie quietly for up to 30 minutes, allowing the points to work their magic.

Why Choose Community Acupuncture?

One of the primary advantages of community acupuncture is its affordability. By treating multiple patients simultaneously, I can offer a reduced rate for quality care. This model also increases accessibility, with more appointment times available to suit your schedule. Despite the shared environment, community acupuncture has proven to be highly effective, with many patients experiencing significant improvements.

How To Prepare For A Community Acupuncture Session?

Very much like a regular visit! To best prepare, please hydrate well, eat a light meal or snack and wear comfy, movement appropriate clothing that can easily be shifted to expose your area of concern. Feel free to bring a book, headphones, eye masks or anything else that will make you feel comfortable during your session.

My goal is to offer at least one community clinic per week on top of my regular 1:1 schedule and I am working on starting up the first in September of this year!

More details to come soon ✨


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